Holiday Turkey Mix: The Sleeping Years

I’m going to be on vacation, and so is this space (kind of). The other day I was putting together a bunch of songs into a mix for my ipod, and I liked the combination of songs so much that I thought it would be good to share them. They’re songs that I’ve found in various places and I’ll try to give credit to the places that I found them if I can remember. It’s not a mix you can download in one fell zip, I’m going to string it out over the next ten days while I’m gone. We’re going to Asheville, NC for the Thanksgiving holiday. I hear it’s a pretty cool town, so I’m excited to check it out. See ya when I get back, in the meantime, enjoy the mix. Hell, this will be more content than when I’m actually ‘here’.

mp3: The Sleeping Years – You And Me Against the World

The Sleeping Years Do you remember the Catchers? I do and I miss them. Lucky for us that Dale Grundle, who was the main songwriter in the band, has decided to come out of hiding with three new ep’s. Instead of going solo, he’s using the moniker The Sleeping Years, but don’t let that fool you it’s really only him. Each one of the ep’s is handcrafted and limited. Hell, I needed a pair of scissors to cut the thread on one, just to get to the CD. This is beautiful stuff that is very reminiscent of the Catchers. Oh, and it’s not a cover of the Space song, if you were wondering, which you probably weren’t.

website: The Sleeping Years
MySpace: The Sleeping Years


  1. bill p · November 15, 2007

    There was a Space song called “The Sleeping Years?” I thought they only had two songs.

    Good to hear Seth is doing something again. That first Catchers record was great… haven’t listened to it in years. Will have to pull it out.

  2. bill p · November 15, 2007

    You know, if I’d actually read the entire post I wouldn’t make an ass of myself. No, probably I would.

  3. Toby · November 16, 2007

    Bill, I would offer to delete any record of this happening, but it’s too funny. And for the record everyone, Bill has more musical knowledge in his pinky finger than I have in my entire body.

  4. bill p · November 16, 2007

    That’s what I get for trying to bust on you for mentioning Space. I should really not turn on the computer if I’ve had a couple. It always ends in shame.

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