Checking In With Top Sound

Have you ever wished you could jetset back to 1964 and relive the bossa nova heyday? Or maybe you are a more practical dreamer and wish that the High Llamas still wrote pop songs. Maybe you just choose to sit at a Cafe Blue all day long and sip out of tiny cups while daydreaming about trips to Aja. Whatever the case, Sweden’s Top Sound have got you covered with their debut album.
It had been two years since the virtual single that they released on the Friendly Noise web site. I assumed the worst, figuring that they would never do anything else. It’s good to be wrong. Top Sound resurfaced earlier this month, self-releasing their debut album.

In case that single slipped by you in all its stealthy virtualness, both songs are reprised here on their self-titled album. A Matter of Precision has not lost any of it’s impact and still reminds me of the Style Council at their best, and Francophilie still brings to mind a jazzier Stereolab. Of the new songs, my favorite is Idiot City. It has a syncopated beat and an air of sophistication to it, but features lyrics like: “Now the rain is pouring down all over town and that’s good cause people throw up on the sidewalks.” I love a little juxtaposition in pop music.  A close second for album favorite, is the well done One Letter Bossa which brings the band’s bossa nova leanings to the forefront.

Those are the standouts in my mind, but other like Your Summer Was Over In June and Ruin a Good Thing ensure that there are no shortage of great songs on this album and more than enough to make it one of my favorites of the year. A thoroughly delightful record that doesn’t pay attention to current trends which makes it stand out all the more.

Stream: Top Sound

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